PET flakes coloured

PET – coloured flakes

The base material for this product is provided by post-consumer PET drink bottles. These returnable bottles are collected as part of a deposit system or a country-specific collection system.

Bottles undergo a treatment process (sorting, shredding, hot washing) and cleaning agents are used. Product quality is checked using internal processes.

These are documented in Texplast GmbH's QM system. The figures indicated below are intended as a guide.

Granular size> 10 mm max. 5 %
Bulk densitymin. 250 kg/m³
Residual moisturemax. 1,2 %
Dust content (<0,5 mm)max. 0,5 %
Polyolefins (PE/PP)max. 80 ppm
PVCmax. 50 ppm
PAmax. 200 ppm
Paper/labelsmax. 100 ppm
Metalmax. 50 ppm
Miscellaneousmax. 200 ppm
PET brownmax. 30 %
PETopak max. 3 %
1. Big bags (2.40 m high) on one-way pallets (weight per big bag approx. 1,000 kg)
2. Delivery in bulk transporter possible